Doug Jeffery Environmental Consultants offers a wide range of environmental services for a variety of sectors. Excellent environmental outcomes are central to our day-to-day work. We strive to achieve practical solutions that deliver a competitive edge for our clients. Our service offering includes the following:
Environmental Applications
Rectification of Unlawful Activities
We specialise in undertaking applications in terms the National Environmental Management Act, 1998 (Act No. 107 of 1998), as amended (“NEMA”); the National Water Act, 1998 (Act No. 36 of 1998); the National Environmental Management: Waste Act, 2008 (Act No. 59 of 2008) (“NEM: WA”); and the National Environmental Management: Air Quality Act, 2004 (Act No. 39 of 2004), as amended (“NEM: AQA”).
These application processes involve:
- The undertaking of Environmental Impact Assessments (i.e. Basic Assessment and Scoping & EIA processes) in terms of the EIA Regulations, 2014 (as amended).
- Waste Management Licence Applications
- Applications for Water Use Approvals and Water Use Licences
- Applying for Air Emissions Licences
- Section 30A Directive Requests for Emergency Procedures
We are experienced in the compilation of Rehabilitation Plans for the rectification of non-compliances. We also do applications for environmental authorisation for listed activities that commenced illegally through the Section 24G application process.
Amendment Applications
Assessment of Environmental Opportunities & Constraints and Site Verification
Our services include the compilation of numerous applications to amend Environmental Authorisations and Environmental Management Programmes (EMPrs) in terms of the EIA Regulations, 2014 (as amended).
We provide guidance on and identify environmental opportunities and risks associated with proposed activities during the planning stage of a project to inform the development framework and coordinate the relevant Specialist Baseline Studies and Constraints Analyses. Based on the findings we assist with determination and selection of appropriate development sites including assistance with the determination of the relevant approvals required in terms of NEMA and any other SEMAs.
Development Setback Line Applications
Environmental Audits
We provide guidance on development setback lines and assist with the compilation of applications for the definition/adoption of ad hoc Development Setback Lines where appropriate.
Our team is suitably qualified and experienced in carrying out audits in terms of Regulation 34 of the EIA Regulations, 2014 (as amended) to ensure compliance with Environmental Authorisations, Environmental Management Programmes, and Closure Plans for mining related activities.
Construction Monitoring and Management Plans
Environmental Awareness Training
We specialise in the compilation of Construction Environmental Management Plans (CEMPs) for smaller development that do not necessarily require environmental authorisation.
Our Environmental Control Officers (ECOs) are qualified and experienced in overseeing the implementation of approved Environmental Management Programmes and compliance with any other relevant environmental approvals during the construction phase of a project.
Out team provides training to construction teams to make them more aware and conscious of environmental problems during the construction phase of a development and how to addresses their responsibilities in the workplace to help avoid and reduce negative environmental impacts.
Other Services
In addition to the above expertise offered by Doug Jeffery Environmental Consultants, the firm has built up a broad network of experienced specialists whom we can call upon to assist in projects as required. These vary from specialists in emissions monitoring (Air Quality- and Dust Fall Monitoring) and noise assessments to heritage specialists and marine and terrestrial ecological specialists.